Elevated Performance

Visualisation X Lucid Dreams



Lucid Dreams

Helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts boost performance by using sports visualisation in their lucid dreams.

Welcome to Lucivity Fitness

A self-guided course that teaches you how to recognise when you’re dreaming, from within the dream itself.

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts use this technique to elevate their performance by blending sports visualisation with lucid dreaming – turning dreams into a tool for real-world progress.

This method delivers tangible results.

Welcome to Lucivity Fitness

A self-guided course that teaches you how to recognise when you’re dreaming, from within the dream itself.

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts use this technique to elevate their performance by blending sports visualisation with lucid dreaming – turning dreams into a tool for real-world progress.

This method delivers tangible results:

I'm Matt Humphreys

I’ve spent two years refining a method that transforms sports visualisation into a fully immersive experience – achieved while dreaming.

Matt Humphreys Lucivity Fitness

By learning to lucid dream, athletes and gym-goers become consciously aware and actively participate in their dreams, taking their visualisations and training to the next level.

Matt Humphreys Lucivity Fitness

This process transforms passive sports visualisation into an interactive, mind-body experience – enhancing neuroplasticity, leading to real-life gains in skill, muscle memory, motivation, confidence and overall performance.

I call this Lucivity Fitness

It’s safe, empowering and can completely change your approach and mindset toward physical training.

For Pro Athletes

Gain the Competitive Edge

Athletes use Lucivity Fitness to gain that critical 1% advantage over their competition. By taking their visualisation into a lucid dream state, they refine techniques, craft winning strategies, and build unshakable mental resilience.

You can do it too. It’s about taking your athletic performance to the next level.

For Gym Goers

Transform Your Fitness

Fitness enthusiasts are using lucid dreaming to amplify their workouts. By taking sport visualisations into lucid dreams, they’re overcoming mental blocks and stubborn plateaus – turning their dream exercises into real-world achievements.

You can do it too. It’s about pushing your limits mentally to see tangible results.

For Injury Recovery

Harness Mindful Healing

Injury recovery can be mentally challenging. With Lucivity Fitness, you can take sport visualisations into lucid dreams to stay in the game by maintaining muscle memory, staying positive, and keeping your skills sharp.

You can do it too. It’s about keeping your head in the game while your body heals.



Module 1: Standing at The Start Line


Module 2: On The Starting Blocks


Module 3: Putting on Your Game Face


Module 4: Going The Distance


Module 5: Crossing The Finish Line