Breaking Through Fitness Plateaus with Lucid Dreams

Break through fitness plateaus using lucid dreams. Learn how this powerful technique can help you boost motivation, enhance muscle memory and refine workout techniques – all while you sleep.

Use your dreams to push past barriers and unlock your full fitness potential.

| Founder of Lucivity Fitness

For many fitness enthusiasts, the journey towards achieving personal bests often feels like an uphill battle. You start out with enthusiasm, motivated by progress and goals, but before long, things begin to stall.

Plateaus happen. Motivation dips. And for a staggering 90% of people, the gym is abandoned altogether within just three months.

Why does this happen? For most, it’s a combination of demotivation, frustration, perfectionism and exhaustion.

When the physical results don’t match the effort being put in, it’s easy to feel stuck, discouraged and ready to quit. But what if there was a way to move beyond these mental and physical barriers?

This is where learning to combine sport visualisation with lucid dreaming comes in.

It’s a somewhat different, yet scientifically backed approach, that allows you to use your dreaming mind to break through fitness plateaus, reignite motivation and push yourself further than you thought possible.

The Plateau Problem - Why It Happens

Plateaus in fitness are common, but they’re also one of the most frustrating parts of the journey. Whether you’re lifting weights, training for endurance, or working on body composition – at some point progress slows down.

This happens for a variety of reasons:

Muscle Adaptation: Over time, your body becomes used to the workouts you do regularly, reducing the effectiveness of those exercises.

Mental Blocks: Fear of failure, perfectionism, or simply boredom can stop you from pushing through to the next level.

Lack of Motivation: After an initial burst of progress, it can be hard to stay motivated when things don’t seem to be changing.

For 60% of gym-goers, these plateaus are a common occurrence to their training. But by incorporating lucid dreams into your fitness routine, you can use your mind to push past these barriers, finding new ways to engage with your workouts and stay committed to your goals.

What’s Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming, or becoming aware that you’re dreaming while still in the actual dream, offers a fascinating tool for fitness enthusiasts. This isn’t about controlling every element of a dream, but rather influencing your actions and decisions using your conscious mind within the subconscious world of a dream.


For gym-goers, lucid dreams can serve as an unlimited mental gym – where you can practise exercises, refine techniques and mentally engage with your fitness goals in ways you can’t while awake.

By rehearsing movements in a dream, you’re activating the same neural pathways used when performing physical tasks. It’s like mental training, but taken to a deeper, more immersive level in the subconscious.

Imagine practising perfect form on a squat, refining your deadlift technique, or even working through an entire high-intensity interval session – all without physical fatigue – ready to wake up and transfer the experience from dream to reality the next time you train.

This mental engagement not only helps you fine-tune your workouts but also enhances muscle memory, coordination and focus. You could even use a lucid dream to rewire your brain into actually liking exercises or aspects of fitness you once hated.

The science of it all lies in the brain’s incredible ability to adapt and enhance neural connections in a process called neuroplasticity. When you repeatedly perform a movement, whether it’s in the gym or within a lucid dream, your brain strengthens the neural pathways responsible for that action. Over time, this process leads to improved muscle memory, coordination and overall performance.

What makes lucid dreaming so powerful is that the brain doesn’t differentiate between physical practice and mentally rehearsed actions.

In a dream, you can simulate exercises and experience them vividly, reinforcing the same neural connections as if you were actually performing the movements. This means you’re effectively training your brain to support your fitness goals – even while you sleep.

Breaking Through Fitness Plateaus

One of the key benefits of lucid dreaming for gym-goers is its ability to help break through plateaus. When you’re stuck in a fitness rut, it can be hard to know how to push past it physically.

But in a lucid dream, you can experiment with different exercises, new routines and even adjust your mental approach without any of the risks that come with overtraining or burnout.

Refine technique: Work through exercises with a focus on form and precision, correcting mistakes without the physical strain.

Test new movements: Try out exercises you’ve been hesitant to do in real life, without the fear of injury or failure.

Visualise success: Imagine yourself overcoming the challenges of your workouts, boosting both your mental resilience and your motivation to succeed when you’re back in the gym.

As mentioned a moment ago, this mental rehearsal strengthens the neural pathways in the brain associated with these tasks, making it easier to overcome barriers and push through plateaus when you’re back in the real world.

Reigniting Motivation

One of the biggest reasons people leave the gym too early is a loss of motivation. That initial spark that gets you started begins to fade – and the daily grind of workouts feels more like a chore than a step towards your goals.

Again, this is where lucid dreaming can have a powerful impact.

Lucid dreams allow you to reconnect with your original fitness aspirations in a space where there are no limits. You can visualise your success – seeing and feeling the results you’ve been working so hard for.

By experiencing and living these moments using your conscious mind in a dream that’s being projected by your subconscious, you create a sense of achievement that fuels your motivation when you wake up.

Lucid dreaming can also help tackle the mental barriers that often lead to quitting, such as:

Fear of failure: In a lucid dream, failure isn’t real. You can rehearse challenging scenarios and come out successful, building your confidence for when you face these obstacles in real life.

Burnout: Lucid dreaming gives you a chance to experiment with new, exciting workouts without the physical toll. This can reinvigorate your passion for fitness and stop the boredom that often leads to burnout.

Perfectionism: You can practise until you’re satisfied – or simply just wake up, giving you the mental edge you need to let go of perfectionism and enjoy the process of improvement.

Overcoming Mental Barriers

Lucid dreaming can also help you overcome the psychological blocks that hold you back from reaching your full fitness potential. For many gym-goers, it’s not just physical exhaustion that leads to plateaus – it’s mental barriers like performance anxiety, self-doubt or intimidation of the gym floor.

In a lucid dream, you can face these challenges head-on in a supportive, risk-free environment.

You might find yourself in a situation where you have to lift a heavy weight or push through the final moments of a tough workout. Because you’re aware that you’re dreaming, you can consciously work through these obstacles, developing a more resilient and positive mindset.

For example, I’ve used my own lucid dreams to change my view on cardio in a workout. Thanks to engaging with my subconscious mind, I now know the real reason I hated cardio so much – and have now broken through the barrier. In fact, it’s now a key aspect to my training that’s taken my fitness to a whole new level.

When you tackle mental challenges like that in a lucid dream, they become easier to manage in real life. That newfound confidence and focus will translate into your waking workouts, helping you to break free from the mental blocks that have been holding you back.

Lucid Dreaming in Action

So let me give you a real-life example of how this works – and what sports visualisation in a lucid dream to break a fitness plateau looks like (for me anyway).

In one of my own many lucid dreams, I found myself in the living room of my childhood home – but it didn’t look quite right. I instantly thought: “This must be a dream.”

After stabilising the dream and confirming I was in a lucid state, I set my intention. I wanted to practise bicep curls in my lucid dream to enhance my real-life performance.

I walked outside, then towards the garden shed. I said out loud for my subconscious mind to hear, “When I open the shed door, I would like to see a rack of dumbbells and weights that I can use to practise with, please.”

When I stepped inside, the environment shifted into a bright white room, completely different to what I had expected. My subconscious mind really had delivered! In front of me was a rack of black dumbbells with big colourful numbers on them. I grounded myself using dream stabilisation techniques and grabbed a pair of weights.

As I began curling the dumbbells, I set an intention to feel the resistance in my arms. I could actually feel the burn, just as I would in a waking workout.

While lifting, I recited an affirmation I had planned ahead of time: “My biceps curl with strength and determination.”

This experience, while happening in a lucid dream, felt entirely real because I was using my conscious mind to decide what I did next. When I woke up and transitioned back to the gym a few days later – I found that my bicep curls were stronger, my motivation was higher and I had a renewed sense of determination.

Dream Your Way to Fitness Success

By combining lucid dreaming with your physical workouts, you’re giving yourself a new way to stay connected with your fitness goals, even when progress seems slow. Whether you’re battling a plateau, struggling with motivation, or just looking to push beyond your perceived limits – lucid dreaming offers a unique space where you can rehearse, refine and re-engage with your fitness journey.

Lucid dreaming doesn’t replace physical training – it complements it beautifully.

By using your mind as an additional tool, you can build the mental toughness, motivation and technique needed to achieve your personal best.

Matt Humphreys Lucivity Fitness

Founder of Lucivity Fitness



Module 1: Standing at The Start Line


Module 2: On The Starting Blocks


Module 3: Putting on Your Game Face


Module 4: Going The Distance


Module 5: Crossing The Finish Line